community support
We build relationships with our customers, suppliers and the local communities which we serve by creating employment. This has helped improve the income levels and has greatly improved the local communities in which our business operates. We listen to the community right from the time of engagement, promote ownership and become part of them by supporting their initiatives. Examples of some of our community projects are described below.
key facts
Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment that can elevate the poorest and most vulnerable in our society.
Agriculture contributes 26% of Kenya’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and another 27% of GDP indirectly through linkages with other sectors.
Food Security
Agriculture contributes to improving nutrition through the production of safe, diverse and nutrient-dense foods. About 46% of the population live on less than 1 USD a day, 36.5% are food insecure and 35% of children under five are chronically malnourished.
Agriculture accounts for 65% of the export earnings and provides livelihood (employment, income and food security needs) for more than 80% of the Kenyan population.
Agriculture employs more than 40% of the total population and more than 70% of Kenya’s rural people. Therefore, agriculture plays a key role in poverty alleviation – particularly in rural areas.
our commitment
We are committed to supporting a sustainable agricultural value chain that will elevate the lives of the communities we operate. Our approach seeks to help develop programs that address key issues of economic change that are critical to farmers and other stakeholders.
Mae Plus Limited offers greater market access and value addition in national and international markets, in which our products have a comparative advantage. To do so, we strive continuously to build the capacity of farmers, improving their competitiveness and enabling them to adopt sustainable farming practices. We firmly believe in promoting development through fair trading practices, that economically uplift, build sustainable wealth and completely transform the lives in areas we source our produce.
Overall, Mae Plus Limited is committed to our stakeholders. We seek to:
- Engage in fair trading practices with our farmers and help them build capacity to improve their global competitiveness.
- Adhere to labour practices that uphold/protect human rights and not engage with any business or persons that are known to violate those rights.
- Provide employees with a safe, sanitary and secure environment. And, fairly compensate based on the laws of Kenya.