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products grown with good agricultural
that give the care to the food they grow.
red kidney beans
Red Kidney Beans is named for its visual resemblance in shape and – for the red variety – colour similar to a human kidney. This Kidney-shaped bean is commonly cultivated in the region, preferred for its nutty flavour.
We source our products from Tanzania, from growers that have adopted Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), thus have met organic requirements such as the use of farmyard manure, crop rotation and low reliance on farm sprays.
We have the capacity to provide whatever quantity to meet your specific requirements and be rest assured of not only quality but also the best price.
basic facts
Scientific Name
The red kidney bean is a variety of the common bean, known as Phaseolus vulgaris.
Nutritional Value
Red Kidney Beans are rich sources of protein, iron, phosphorus and have moderate amounts of thiamin, copper, magnesium and zinc.
Types of Red Kidney Beans
There are various red kidney beans that are grown, marketed and sold across the region. For instance, in Tanzania (our source) they have the Uyole 96; while as in Kenya, we have the bean commonly known as Wairimu.
Cooking & Preparation
The US Food and Drug Administration recommends boiling for 30 minutes, at 80 °C (176 °F) and above to ensure they reach a sufficient temperature long enough to completely destroy the toxin.